Thursday, December 07, 2006

The origins of Santa Claus...

Worth a read...

Friday, July 21, 2006

I killed my phone...

I must be some jinx... :~(

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Polyclinic prescribed medicine is good...

Still had my fever early in the morning, couldn't get to sleep the whole night... I was actually the 19th person to register at the clinic, the second in line to see the doctor in room 11 and the 9th person to collect my prescription at the pharmacy...

With all the wardrums sounding in my head, I was extremely glad to see my mei (Younger sister) working that day. One sympathetic look from her was enough to melt all my pains away... That was until I met the cashier... The "nice indian lady" made a fever worn person go out on a quest for small change for the 50 dollar note she was holding...

Anyway, I must have been to sick to argue with her... I walked over to the nearest 7-eleven to buy a pack of sweet just for small change... (Guess what? It must be my "lucky" day, cause the cashier was complaining to me that she doesn't have any small change either... But she gave me the change eventually, and I thanked her for her effort and her "you're so unwelcomed" poker face.)

The trip back to the clinic then back home was draining, and my mood was at it's lowest peak... After some medicine popping and some good RnR, I was raring to go... Is this what people in the olden times refer to as elixers?

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Fever Woes...

Can't believe I'm down with fever, especially when I'm just recovering from the cold bug on 8th July... I must be some kind of weakling... *Sob sob*... :~(

Panadol and Panadol Cold didn't seem to work for me... My eyelids felt like they were burning, my head felt heavy, my lungs felt like they could burst from my coughing and I could feel this really thick layer of phlegm lined on the sides of my wind pipe... *Sigh*...

The only thought that travelled through the thick phlegm and into my head was "Is this when I should confess all of my sins and pray for deliverence?"... Perhaps I thought I was die... (Silly me... How naive can I get?... :P)

Monday, July 17, 2006

Death... Is it a relief, or is it just another process of suffering?

The only times when one gets to see all his or her relatives are probably at the following events:-

1. Lunar New Year
2. Weddings and
3. Funerals

Yes, the most unfortunate thing has happened... My parental grandmother has passed away. Everyone who could make it rushed over to see Ah Mah (Grandmother) as fast as they could. Ah Mah had left us peacefully in her sleep and that was a very blessed thing as no one could possibly bare to see her suffer.

Looking at Ah Mah's frail body, thoughts went through my head...
- Was Ah Mah satisfied with her life?
- Has she accomplished everything she wanted to?
- Was there someone she was worried about leaving behind?

When the undertakers came to move Ah Mah's body, she still had a cast on her ankle from her fall recently. Ah Mah was scheduled to have the cast removed sometime this week or next, but now she won't need the cast any more.

For someone who's suffering, is death what they would wish for?

Friday, June 30, 2006

Earn money from reading emails...

Click here

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

thIngs tO chEw On

wat if languages were actually invented by someone who wanted to be different and he/she did so by writing/speaking differently, and the others had slowly accepted the language by adapting to it too? :P

Monday, August 29, 2005

The year in review...

I was sorting through some thoughts in mind, when I realised that I didn't have a clear picture of what I had planned to complete but had not started on... Well... Now is still a good time for a review before the year is finally over...

What happened this year:
(Job)Promoted to TS
(Job)Completed 1 year in T-est
(Job)Took responsibilty of a project
(Interest)Dropped out from guitar class
(Interest)Joined butch hunt
(Interest)Completed Butch hunt
(Want list)Bought O2 Xda2i
(Want list)Bought a Tamiya RC (Subaru WRX)
(Want list)Printed another personalised polo
(Want list)Put together parts to make my tower
(Want list)Lost my N-gage on a cab
(want list)Bought a new hp SE K300i to replace my ngage
(Want list)Drop the phone into the toilet bowl after 1 week

Things I planned to do, but have not started:
(Job)Further Studies[Start Studies fund]
(Interest)Learn drums
(Interest)Get a class 2B license
(Interest)Continue my taekwondo class
(Interest)Learn scuba diving
(Interest)Pick up sound engineering
(Interest)Lose flab and gain muscles
(Want list)Taiwan trip
(Want list)Redang trip
(Want list)Upgrade monitor to LCD
(Want list)Buy 1/2 Gig MMC/SD
(Want list)Buy a laptop
(Want list)Buy an MP3 Player
(Want list)A new wallet
(Want list)A Domanchi shirt

Looks like I have a long way to go... :)

Monday, July 18, 2005

Maple anyone???

After the long series and frenzy of Butch Hunt has died down... I was still busy burying myself in something... Yes it's true... I have gone maple crazy... Check out the screenshot below...

Me in Maple Story Posted by Picasa

Coming back to the butch hunt topic... Although I didn't win anything substancially... I have learnt valuable lessons in life... Like joining a competition is never cheap... Hee...

I have made valuable friends along the way too... Everyone from this competition was like from all walks of life... I got to know who genuinely care for me... And who just wanted to make use of me... And those who cant wait to defame me...

It was a fun experience overall... I feel that my confidence level went up by a little... Thanks to Cary... PLU have a chance to increase awareness of our sexuality and our mentality... Hopefully tolerence to PLU will increase...

A sincere and warm thank you to everyone... Those who helped me... And those who tried to wear me down (Without you guys, my will to fight would have been long gone)... It's a long way up... And I wanna get there... :)

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Eeyore the donkey...

I kinda noticed that I have evolved into an Eeyore... Gloomy guy who likes to be by himself... Unnoticed most of the time... Being appreciative when people notice him, no matter what reason it was for...

It was a nice change for a while... Reclining to watch the world go by... But being an Eeyore is not going to bring me to places I wanna go... I have dreams I wanna fulfil... Places I wanna set foot on...

I was trying to recall when I turned into this passive animal, but to no avail... I used to be a confident party animal with a direct and clear path... Self driven, self motivated person... So what happened to me???

Had been numb to everyone around me for quite some time... And I believe it is time for a change... It's time to defrost that passion inside of me... The passion from the love I have for all my friends...

I need a plan... A clear plan in life... A path I wanna stick to... I wanna go somewhere where I can make a difference... It's time to move on...

Sorry to everyone I have neglected during the past few months... Especially my girlfriend... Thank you for sticking with me, despite my passiveness... Thank you!